- Measurements and reporting in the hybrid network
- ITU-T/OGF Workshop on Next Generation Networks and Grids
- Draft minutes of joint Tech/CP session available
- SC06 bandwidth provider information
- SC06 infrastructure: Internet2
- SC06 infrastructure: NLR
- GLIF Tech discussion on Issue Analysis Hybrid Networks
- FYI: Optical Transceivers and Passive Muxes
- GLIF WG presentations
- Fault resolution draft document for Albuquerque
- Draft minutes of joint session of Tech & Control Plane WGs
- Draft minutes of 4th Tech WG meeting
- draft LightPath Fault Management document
- Presentations from Tech WG meeting
- GLIF Resource update
- section 4 of GLIF-Tech BCP
- Draft agenda for GLIF Tech WG Meeting
- iGrid application demonstration updates (6/24/05)
- Network Description Files for GLIF
- test
- iGrid proposal update (5/22/05)
- Outstanding actions from last meeting
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Outstanding actions from last meeting
- iGrid proposal update (4/13/05)
- Status of actions from last meeting
- Draft minutes of 2nd GLIF Technical WG meeting
- Message from Maxine Brown
- New name of GLIF mailing list
- Re: [GLIF tec] Buffering discussion