Global Lambda Integrated Facility

Subject SC06 infrastructure: Internet2
From Erik-Jan Bos <erik-jan.bos@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date Wed, 20 Sep 2006 15:58:26 +0200

Dear Tech:

As discussed in Tokyo, I am to collect information on possible lightpath
providers into the SC06 venue in Tampa, FL, USA. Here's the information
on Internet2.



-------- Originele bericht --------
Onderwerp: RE: SC06 info bug mail!
Datum: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 05:09:56 -0400
Van: Christian Todorov <ctodorov@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Aan: 'Erik-Jan Bos' <erik-jan.bos@xxxxxxxxxx>,	'Jerry Sobieski'
CC: 'René Hatem' <rene.hatem@xxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Erik-Jan,

Please make requests for connection services as soon as practical. We would
like all requests to be in by October 1.  We will provision capacity for
existing connectors through the MAN LAN node.

Facilities that MAN LAN can provide:
10GE L2 connection into the Atlantic-Wave that terminates in Miami
10G connection into the Abilene wave for SC

The network resources are shared and are likely to have more than one
request for use.  Please consider the requirement to schedule these
resources when making requests.

What we will need:
Networks involved with the connection through MAN LAN for SC.
Agreement by the identified networks to peer if not already in place.
Lead technical contact for the proposed demonstration and a secondary
contact. (Phone and email)
Lead administrative contact for the proposed demo and a secondary contact.
(Phone and email)
Name of the demonstration and lead organization including website if
Time and date that network resources would be needed
Duration of the requested resources

Please send all requests to:
cc: ctodorov@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Subject: MAN LAN Service Request SC|06

Thank you,

Christian Todorov, Sr. Network Engineer
office: +1-734-352-7098
mobile: +1-734-276-7083

The New Internet2 Network.
Smarter and Faster. Again.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik-Jan Bos [mailto:erik-jan.bos@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 3:48 AM
> To: 'Jerry Sobieski'; Christian Todorov
> Cc: René Hatem
> Subject: SC06 info bug mail!
> Hi Jerry, hi Christian:
> This is a friendly reminder to send to me the information for SC06
> connectivity as discussed this morning in the GLIF Tech.
> As the deadlines for ordering bandwidth into SC06 are nearing, I
> volunteered to compose a message for the Tech list on this, BUT I NEED
> YOUR INPUT. Just a few lines or URLs and e-mail adresses for further
> information.
> Thank you.
> __
> Erik-Jan.