Global Lambda Integrated Facility

Subject GLIF Tech discussion on Issue Analysis Hybrid Networks
From Erik-Jan Bos <erik-jan.bos@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date Wed, 23 Aug 2006 18:20:32 +0200

Dear GLIF Tech members:

As a product of the Dutch GigaPort Project's "Research on Networks" we
produced a document containing an issue analysis on hybrid networks.

Part of the introduction to the document says:

As the use of lightpaths for high-speed networking is fairly new, there
are a large number of issues related to lightpaths that do not yet have
clear answers. Many of these issues are currently under study, both
within the GigaPort framework and elsewhere. However, there is no
complete overview of the relevant issues, and therefore no way to ensure
that all of these issues are being addressed. Therefore, there is a need
for a structured list of the issues that need to be addressed in order
to make the most out of the hybrid infrastructure.

The full document has now been put on-line by Kevin (thanks), and can be
found at the following URL:

This document is on the agenda of the upcoming Tech meeting. First of
all, I would like to hear from you whether you consider the document
complete; are we missing vital questions and if yes what are they?
Secondly, I am seeking to work with a number of you on finding answers
to the questions posed in the document.

Please read the document, as preparation to this agenda topic, and be
sure to put forward your input to the document, as the goal is to
provide a road-map to further work "to make the most out of the hybrid

I am looking forward to seeing you all in Tokyo, next month!

Best regards,

