Research & Applications Working Group Meeting #7
This meeting was held on 13 October 2010 in CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; and was chaired by Maxine Brown, UIC:
- RAP WG introduction - Maxine Brown, UIC
- TransLight/StarLight: The Lightpath is not the Goal, the GOLE is the Goal - Tom DeFanti, Calit2/UCSD
- Wide-Area 40GE Video Streaming - Ronald van der Pol, SARA
- Packet-by-Packet Microscopic Observation - Kunitake Kaneko, Keio University
- Enlighten Your Research - Peter Hinrich, SURFnet
- HPDMnet @ GLIF 2010 - Joe Mambretti, Northwestern University
- iGENI - Joe Mambretti, Northwestern University