Control Plane Working Group Meeting #5
Carolinum, Prague, Czech Republic, 17-18 September 2007
17 September 2007
- Welcome and Agenda Bashing - Gigi Karmous-Edwards, MCNC
- GMPLS token mechanisms - Leon Gommans, UvA
- International High Performance Digital Media With Dynamic Optical Multicast - Joe Mambretti, Northwestern University
18 September 2007
- Phosphorus and DICE IDC: Multi-domain project approaches - Inder Monga, Nortel & Bram Peeters, SURFnet
- Internet2 Dynamic Circuit Services (DCS): Architecture and User Services - Tom Lehman, ISI
- G-lambda architecture
- Network Control Architecture and summary of the discussion: How to proceed? - Gigi Karmous-Edwards, MCNC
GNI Meeting
A meeting to discuss on a Generic Network Interface (GNI followed the main GLIF meeting. The goal was to define an API to request network services from a network domain that the GLIF community can support.
- Phosphorus: WP1 domains interface development - Sergi Figuerola, i2CAT