Global Lambda Integrated Facility

Subject Call for major GOLE/Resource updates at GLIF2012
From Peter Szegedi <szegedi@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date Mon, 03 Sep 2012 10:54:21 +0200

Dear all,

The 12th Annual Global LambdaGrid Workshop will be held on
11-12 October 2012, in Chicago, USA.

As usual, we have approx. 1 hour in the Tech WG agenda reserved for the
significant GOLE and intercontinental lambda updates (that may impact
international and multi-domain lightpath networking).

If you need a short (5-10 min.) timeslot in the GOLE/Resource update
session in order to give a brief report about your latest developments,
deployments, etc. please, get back to me with a short description of
your update not later than the 21st of September, 2012.

Any other proposal for potential short talks is also welcome, the Tech
WG agenda is still flexible.

Project Development Officer

TERENA Secretariat
Singel 468D, 1017AW Amsterdam
The Netherlands

T: +31 20 530 4488
F: +31 20 530 4499