Global Lambda Integrated Facility

Subject Mantychore Project: OpenNaaS, a toolkit for IP Networks as a Service
From "Victor Reijs (work)" <victor.reijs@xxxxxxxxx>
Date Thu, 12 Apr 2012 14:53:15 +0100

Hello all of you,

Apologies if you've seen this already. Myself and my colleagues in the
Mantychore project are running a workshop to demonstrate and gather feedback on the OpenNaaS software, a tool for network virtualisation. It takes place in Reykjavik on the Sunday afternoon prior to TNC2012; further information is attached.
Registration is essential (but free) at


All the best,


Victor Reijs, Network Development Manager
HEAnet Limited, Ireland's Education and Research Network
1st Floor, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
Registered in Ireland, no 275301
tel: +353-1-660 9040  fax: +353-1-660 3666

Attachment: Mantychore workshop invitation.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document