- 02 Mar 2010
- [GLIF tech] GLIF Task Forces Kevin Meynell
- 23 Mar 2010
- [GLIF tech] Draft minutes of Tech WG available Kevin Meynell
- 14 Jun 2010
- [GLIF tech] GLIF Tech Winter 2011 meeting Erik-Jan Bos
- 06 Jul 2010
- [GLIF tech] Re: GLIF Tech Winter 2011 meeting Erik-Jan Bos
- 08 Jul 2010
- [GLIF tech] New topics for our GLIF meeting Gigi Karmous-Edwards
- 22 Jul 2010
- Re: [GLIF tech] New topics for our GLIF meeting Joe J Mambretti
- Re: [GLIF tech] New topics for our GLIF meeting Joe J Mambretti
- 23 Jul 2010
- [GLIF tech] Proposals for demonstrations at GLIF Peter Szegedi
- Re: [GLIF tech] New topics for our GLIF meeting Gigi Karmous-Edwards
- 17 Aug 2010
- [GLIF tech] Call for major GOLE/Resource updates at GLIF Peter Szegedi
- 30 Aug 2010
- 12 Oct 2010
- [GLIF tech] Videoconferencing with Tech WG @ GLIF 2010 Kevin Meynell
- Re: [GLIF tech] Videoconferencing with Tech WG @ GLIF 2010 Eric Bernier
- Re: [GLIF tech] Videoconferencing with Tech WG @ GLIF 2010 Kevin Meynell
- 14 Oct 2010
- [GLIF tech] Tech WG presentations are available Peter Szegedi
- Re: [GLIF tech] Tech WG presentations are available Peter Szegedi
- [GLIF tech] Why do we need topology exchange? Freek Dijkstra
- [GLIF tech] Re: Tech WG presentations are available Peter Szegedi
- Re: [GLIF tech] Why do we need topology exchange? John Vollbrecht
- 15 Oct 2010
- Re: [GLIF tech] Why do we need topology exchange? Victor Reijs
- Re: [GLIF tech] Why do we need topology exchange? Harvey Newman
- Re: [GLIF tech] Why do we need topology exchange? Victor Reijs
- Re: [GLIF tech] Why do we need topology exchange? Jeroen van der Ham
- Re: [GLIF tech] Why do we need topology exchange? Victor Reijs
- 21 Oct 2010
- [GLIF tech] Farewell Ivan Philips
- 15 Dec 2010
- 12 Jan 2011
- [GLIF tech] Personal message from your co-chair EJB Erik-Jan Bos
- 19 Jan 2011
- 10 Feb 2011
- [GLIF tech] GLIF Tech agenda for Hong Kong Erik-Jan Bos
- 16 Feb 2011
- [GLIF tech] GLIF Campus Networking Task Force Questionnaire Ronald van der Pol
- 24 Feb 2011
- 25 Feb 2011
- [GLIF tech] GLIF Tech WG presentations are available on-line Peter Szegedi
- [GLIF tech] Thank you from GLIF Tech Erik-Jan Bos
- 25 Mar 2011
- [GLIF tech] Hong Kong meeting minutes Peter Szegedi
- 11 Apr 2011
- [GLIF tech] please take the time to fill in the campus networking survey Ronald van der Pol
- 20 Jun 2011
- [GLIF tech] Call for major GOLE/Resource updates at GLIF2011 Peter Szegedi
- [GLIF tech] Fwd: GLIF 2011 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Call for Demonstration Peter Szegedi
- RE: [GLIF tech] Call for major GOLE/Resource updates at GLIF2011 Joe J Mambretti
- RE: [GLIF tech] Fwd: GLIF 2011 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Call for Demonstration Joe J Mambretti
- 07 Jul 2011
- 15 Aug 2011