Global Lambda Integrated Facility

Subject GLIF Tech meeting in Rio - temporary change of co-chair
From Lars Fischer <lars@xxxxxxxxx>
Date Thu, 08 Sep 2011 15:25:00 +0200

Dear all,

for personal reasons I will unfortunately not be able to come to Rio for the Global Lambda Workshop and the GLIF Tech meeting. As GLIF Tech co-chair I deeply regret this and apologize to you all.

In order to meet our commitment to the GLIF Tech community, we has persuaded Erik-Jan Bos to join the NORDUnet team part-time. Erik-Jan will be joining you in Rio and will co-chair the GLIF Tech meeting in my absence.

I wish you all an exciting and productive time in Rio, and I am confident that the GLIF Tech meeting will be as well-run as always in Gigi's and Erik-Jan's most capable hands.

Lars Fischer <lars@xxxxxxxxx>, @lpfischer
Chief Technology Officer, NORDUnet (
mobile: +45 2288 1729, office: +45 3246 2500, skype: lpficher