Global Lambda Integrated Facility

SPIDR: Space Physics Interactive Data Resource




Russia:Russian Academy of Sciences; Space Research Institute; Center of Geophysical Data Studies (collectively part of the Russian Data Intensive Group - RDIG)
United States: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA; National Geophysics Data Center (NGDC)


SPIDR is a de-facto standard data source for solar terrestrial physics, functioning within the framework of the International Council for Science (ICSU) World Data Centers. It is a distributed database and application server network, built to select, visualize and model historical space weather data distributed across the Internet.

SPIDR can work as a fully functional web application (portal) or as a grid of web services, providing functions for other applications to access its data holdings. By enabling easy data mirroring and eliminating the network bottlenecks associated with transcontinental links, the distributed system architecture is a key factor for low latency in multimedia data visualization and fast data delivery.

A 1 Gbps VLAN from NOAA to StarLight (via NLR), from StarLight to NetherLight (via TransLight/StarLight-GLORIAD), and from NetherLight to MoscowLight and Russia’s Space Research Institute (via RBnet) was configured on 1 August 2007 for SPIDR collaboration. Current collaboration has resulted in 10 databases with total disk space of ~500 GB.