Phosphorus: Lambda User-Controlled Infrastructure for European Research
Cees de Laat, University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsCollaborators
Belgium: Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology (IBBT)Canada: Communications Research Centre
Czech Republic: CESNET
Germany: Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SAIC) and Institute for Media Communication (IMK), Fraunhofer; Research Centre Jülich; University of Bonn
Greece: Athens Information Technology Institute; RACTI, University of Patras
The Netherlands: SARA; SURFnet; University of Amsterdam
Poland: PIONIER; Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
Spain: Fundació i2CAT
United Kingdom: University of Essex; University of Wales Swansea
United States: MCNC; Center for Computation and Technology, Louisiana State University
Phosphorus is an alliance of European and global partners to develop advanced solutions of application-level middleware and underlying management and control plane technologies. It is a 30-month project begun in October 2006 and funded by the European Union (EU) Research Networking Testbeds IST program.
The project mission is to address key technical challenges in enabling on-demand end-to-end network service across multiple domains; to treat the underlying network as a first-class Grid resource; and to demonstrate solutions and functionalities across a testbed involving European National Research Networks (NRNs), GÉANT, Cross Border Dark Fibre and GLIF connectivity infrastructures.