Global Lambda Integrated Facility

HDTV Streaming to Student Dormitories: High Quality Internet for Higher Education and Research



Kees Neggers, SURFnet, The Netherlands


The Netherlands: SURFnet


SURFnet launched a project to upgrade the network facilities of Dutch student accommodations in several cities in the Netherlands. As a result, around 5,000 students will be able to view high-definition video (HDTV) and use other advanced educational Internet services on their computers. Each student will have a network connection of at least 20 Mbps, roughly ten times the speed of an ADSL connection. At the same time the local network will be multicast enabled. Multicast is an important technique for receiving HDTV video.

"Universities can play a leadership role in piloting new last-mile (hundred feet) architectures that address the problems of dormitories. University students are ideal early adopters and were instrumental in diffusion of the Internet throughout larger community." - Bill St. Arnaud, CANARIE Inc.

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